Friday, January 23, 2009

Temps in the 20's

Since I have lived in Florida (1988) I can not remember it ever being this cold here for such an extended period of time. We have had several nights with temps in the 20's. When I came to work yesterday the cars were covered in a deep frost. I thought I had left that behind in Wisconsin. The worst part is that if it's going to get that cold it could at least snow. I do miss that first snow. Snow reminds me of peace for some reason.

We have been preparing for Hayley's sweet sixteen on February 9th. She is actually having her party on February 7th. She has invited 25 girls with eight of them invited to stay overnight. Chris has really been planning alot of events to make this a special birthday for her. He is taking her to the salon and she is getting her hair colored and getting a new style of hair cut. Also at that time she is getting a manicure and a pedicure. At her birthday party he hired a palm reader to come over to our house for an hour to read the girls palms. He is going to cook on the grill hamburgers and hotdogs and then on our tv we will hook up the Wii and they will play games. We also have a pool table for their enjoyment. It should be everything that she could wish for.

On the other hand Colton and Chris have not been getting along. Colton is in that teenager land. Very lazy not doing his chores, expecting everything but giving nothing in return. He got an F in Science this last quarter and his behavior has been bad in that class. Chris tried to work with him on a paper and he had misspelled all the words, penmanship was atrocious etc. Colton was laughing which infuriated Chris and all I heard was alot of screaming. Hayley was in the room and told Chris enough defending Colton. After it was all said and done everyone apolozized but both Colton and Chris are still holding grudges. Chris feels like Colton doesn't appreciate everything he does for him and Colton thinks Chris is hard on him all the time. I am in the middle. Colton doesn't show appreciation, do what's asked of him etc and Chris is hard on him but only because he wants to help him succeed. So where do we go from here. I don't know. One day at a time I guess and I try and be the buffer in between. Just what I don't have time for.

Last night Chris and I met Geoffrey at the little Italian pizzeria restaurant that he works for after we had gotten off work. Geoffrey was proud to show us where he works. Chris and Geoffrey were going to the Orlando Magic game afterwards. Unfortunately, the Magic played horribly against the Celtics. He didn't get home until around 11:00 and had to get up for work at 5:00 am. I felt bad for him but I sure needed today off. I have to work tomorrow.

I just love this picture of Colton. I wish I could go back in time. Now that I am older and wiser I would do some things differently with him. I did the best I could at the time. He will be a success but I know the next four years are going to be trying. I will post pictures of Hayleys new hairdo when she gets it done.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Where have I been

Wow, lots to catch up on since I last wrote. I spent the week of Christmas sick with a cold and then my allergies were horrible for the next two weeks. Nothing seemed to work. I tried sinus medication, allergy medication, I thought I would never get better. But then a cold front came through and whatever was in the air has cleared up and I can finally breathe!
On the work front things are not good, not good at all. My company is on the verge of bankruptcy. We have tremendous pressure being put on us to sell and if our numbers aren't where they want them to be they will replace us. My only day off right now is Sunday with no end in sight. At least Chris and I still have a job for now anyways.
I haven't officially heard from his mother but I read on another website that Jack Brown the boy that I collect money at from work and match any donations has relapsed. Neuroblastoma comes back more ferociously each time. I am so worried for him and his family they have been through so much. This week alone three children that I follow have died from neuroblastoma. Many more are really struggling. We need a cure for cancer. I can not imagine losing my child and what these parents go through every day fighting for their lives.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

Sadly, Chris and I did not make it to midnight. We got off work about 3:00 pm yesterday and then went out for appetizers at Timpanos. They had a "special" menu for the night. Not really what we wanted to eat but we made do. Matthew is in Orlando and he met us for a drink. Strange to be drinking with him in a bar. We came home and took some dessert to our neighbor Steve who is still recovering from his seaplane crash. We had a few glasses of wine with them and then I was out by probably 10:30.

Colton partied it up with the Brits across the street. They are here from England for two weeks. He pretty much spends all his time over there while they are in Orlando.

Today it is a day of rest even for Molly our puppy.