Yesterday we woke up to weather in the 40's. I thought I left that behind many years ago in Wisconsin. I guess it seems fitting that my relatives are here from Switzerland and Wisconsin that they brought the cold weather with them.
Saturday we spent a nice day with my aunt Clara and uncle John. We went out on the boat with them and then out to dinner. I had a really nice time. Sunday was up to the Villages to spend some more time with cousin Alice and Paul from Switzerland, aunt Clara, John from Wisconsin, cousin Shirley and Larry from Wisconsin and cousin Bill and Paula who now live in the villages. It was a nice day reminiscing.
My grandfather Jakob immigrated from Switzerland in 1929. He was one of 11 children. His brother Wilhelm had immigrated two years prior. Jakob and Wilhelm settled in Lafayette County Wisconsin. Jakob had four children and Wilhelm five. I was born in 1970 and my grandfather Jakob died in 1971, his wife Marie in 1973 and my mother Elaine in 1975. For the next fifteen years I lived within 10 miles of Wilhelms family and never knew about them. Now we are all reunited as we are all interested in our ancestors and have all traveled to Switzerland and visited Alice and Paul. Now Wilhelms son William lives in Florida just 1 hour and 15 min from me. Since my next closest relative is in Wisconsin this is very exciting for me.
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